Affiliate marketing is a way of getting
other website owners to do two things.
1) To link to your site
2) To help you sell your product.
It has become one of the most successful online marketing
techniques. There are many programs that allow you to
offer incentives to those that refer you. Let us at
Personaweb help you separate the chaffe from the wheat.
After all, there are plenty of ideas out there. What
counts is what works. We can help you find a solution
that will work for you.
Affiliate Program
- Referral Tracking
- Cookies
- Payment Processing
- Program Management
- Affiliate Recruiting

If you are serious about selling a product or service
online, you will want to have us help you set up an
affiliate program. You can learn more about various
affiliate marketing software here
or call us and let's talk about how an affiliate program
can benefit your business.
We'll explain what works and why it works.