Personaweb's primary business activity is to help Domain
Name Registrars, ISPs, Hosting Companies, and Web Developers
to expand their domain name product offer by enabling
them to offer domain names from Centralnic, Ltd.
Centralnic has a seven year legacy of expanding the
Internet Name Space by offering these and many other
country-code, dot-com domains. It's a second chance
to get the easy-to-remember Internet Domain Name you
have been waiting for.
Dot-Com Domains...
- US.COM - United States
- UK.COM - United Kingdom
- CN.COM - China
- EU.COM - Europe
- DE.COM - Germany
- SE.COM - Sweden
- QC.COM - Quebec
- BR.COM - Brazil
- Many Others Too
The ideas is very simple. If you wanted to sell cookiedough
online, of course, your first idea for a domain name
would be "". And of course,
that domain will have been taken. What Centralnic enables
would allow you to register "",
thus getting that easy-to-remember domain name that
you wanted.
If you are interested in selling Centralnic domains
from your web site, call us or visit Centralnic's web
site at
If you just want to check and see what great domain
names are available in the domain zone, go to and check see what you can get.
We think you'll be pleasantly surprised.